20 novembre 2010

Nathan blogga!

Era da un po' che Nathan non si faceva sentire su Tumblr...ma finalmente eccolo qui con un nuovo post di cui pubblico qui solo una parte.... come sempre,il resto direttamente sul blog di Nathan e nel forum in questo thread

now i’ve done it

sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches. the tricky part i’ve found is not knowing how many of them are comin. I like to reference any of the “Rocky” movies. The guy gets wailed on the entire match, non-stop punches until he’s just about to die and then somehow manages to squirt out one punch and win. As much as that used to annoy me as ridiculously unrealistic, i’ve finally seen the point. It’s not about the amount of punches you take, it’s more about getting up after each one of them. that might be one of the lamest things I’ve ever said, please forgive me

We’ve had a relentless 6-9 months. Believe it or not, the past 2 have continued, one shocking event after another. Did I tell you how I broke my fingers? Ok, truth be told it was only 1 broken finger but I find I get more attention saying 2. Not to mention the other one hurts pretty damn bad it might as well be broken. Here’s how it happened..

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